Driver Events

Pageant Ad Agreement

2013 Driver Days Scholarship Pageant

Sponsorship Advertising Agreement

Please Print

Advertiser __________________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________ City _________________ Zip ___________

Phone _______________________________________ Fax __________________________________

Contact person_______________________________________ Phone __________________________

Contact Email _______________________________________________________________________

By signature below, advertiser understands that sold sponsorship ads will be placed in the 2006 Driver Days Scholarship Pageant Program that will be sold at each pageant April 27th, 2013. Your participation will provide the availability of the Driver Pageant Committee to cover the cost of program printing and adds to the amount of scholarships awarded through contestant participation. A “Community Ambassador Award” will be given to the contestant selling the most ads.

  • · A full page ad must accompany the contestant’s application to the pageant. Payment must be attached

to the contract in the form of check or money order. We are unable to accept credit/debit cards.

  • · For mutual protection to all participants, merchants and other advertisers, we reserve the right to revise or reject an advertisement considered to be objectionable or offensive in subject matter, phraseology or layout. You will be contacted if this is a concern.

  • · Please circle the ad that best serves your need and attach your copy ready ad to this page or simply attach your business card. Ads may be sent via email once payment is made. Call Pageant Director, Diane Parsons at 757-291-2800.



(This is a full page but CANNOT be used as your sponsorship page. Each additional ad/signature page counts towards award.)

Please make checks payable to Driver Business Association and deliver to the Knot Hole Station in Driver

Cost of Ad _________________________________

Circle One: Money Order Check Bank Name__________________________________ Check #______________

Signature of Company Representative:_______________________________________________________________________

Contestant ________________________________________________________ Age Group___________________________

This form may be copied, as needed, for each contestant’s participation in the “Community Involvement Competition”.

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