Miss Driver Scholarship Pageant
Saturday, April 27th, 2013
Wee Miss, Little Miss and Pre-Teen Pageant 2pm
Junior Miss and Miss Pageant 7pm
BBQ Dinner/ Cafeteria 5 to 7pm by CHKD North Suffolk Circle
Rehearsal - Friday, April 26th, 2013 6:00pm
Afternoon Tea with Miss Virginia 2013
Sunday, April 21st, 2013 2pm Berea Christian Church
Driver Village - Suffolk, Va.
Registration Guidelines
- Legal resident of Virginia for the past 6 months.
- Participate in each pageant categories: interview, dance, sportswear and evening gown
- Complete and submit the Contestant Registration Form
- Complete and submit Resume and Platform Statement (Pre-Teen and Teen only)
- Complete, sign and submit Contestant Agreement Form
- Submit with all forms a head and shoulders photograph for the program and judges books
- Submit at least ONE full page advertisement with full payment of $100.00 (See Ad page)
- Pay registration fee of $75.00 making checks payable to Driver Business Association
- Deliver all material and payments to The Knot Hole Station in Driver, Suffolk, Va. (539-2488)
- For further information please call Pageant Director Diane Parsons (757-291-2800) or [email protected]
Age Categories
Wee Miss Driver Days Ages 4 thru 6 years
Little Miss Driver Days Ages 7 thru 9 years
Miss Pre-Teen Driver Days 10 thru 12 years
Miss Teen Driver Days 13 thru 15 years
Miss Driver Days 15 thru 18 years
Registration Fee $75.00
The registration fee helps to cover the expenses for scholarship awards, cash prizes (determined by amount of contestants), facility expenses, program books, contestant meal ticket, production expenses, t-shirts and tiaras.
Photograph Requirements
Each contestant must provide a head and shoulders photograph that will be printed in the official program book. Color or black and white is acceptable. Please email photo in a JPG format. You will be given email instructions to the printer when you register.
Categories and Competition
All contestants will participate in 4 categories of competition. Scores are based on 1 - 10.
- Interview - 5 minutes 35% (No opening or closing remarks)
- Opening dance and introduction 10% (Personality and Speech)
- Lifestyle and Physical Fitness 20% (Free style and up beat modeling)
- Evening Gown and On-Stage Questions (2) 35% (Wee/Little Miss may have short dress)
Wardrobe Requirements
- Opening Dance Number - Long dress blue jeans (no holes), Driver T-shirt that will be given to you at rehearsal. White tennis shoes. Express our personality with whatever accessories you choose to make you feel pretty and special.
- Interview - Dress or Skirted suit. Pant suits are discouraged.
- Sports Modeling - YOUR SELECTION! If you play sports or have a hobby, this is where you express yourself. Wear your uniform! If you are a fashionista, plan to wear an outfit that expresses your personality and what you like to wear when you go out to a restaurant, shopping or to a movie!
- Evening Gown - Long gown, any color and a STYLE THAT IS AGE APPROPRIATE! Backless and plunging necklines should be left for contestants over 18.
Make-up Guidelines
We are striving to make this a wonderful experience for each and every contestant! We ARE NOT striving to DUPLICATE A REALITY SHOW! Please make sure that you understand that any contestant under the age of 13 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WEAR MAKE-UP! Lip gloss is allowable.
Gifts and Awards
- All contestants will be given Driver Days T-Shirts, Princess Crowns and Mother/Daughter picture taken at Sunday Tea.
- Winners in 5 Categories will receive Miss Driver Days Sash for age group
- Miss Driver Days will win a $500 Scholarship to college of her choice! Scholarship will be placed in the Suffolk Education Foundation, in the winner’s name. Scholarship will be sent to the college of her choice upon notification to Foundation. If the winner chooses not to use her scholarship, funds will remain within the foundation in the name of Miss Driver Days/Suffolk Pageant Scholarship.
Winners of all categories will be expected:
- Be present Driver Days Festival weekend (October 19th and 20th, 2013) for participation in Saturday morning parade (9am) and other times TBA. This weekend is mandatory for ALL PAGEANT WINNERS!