Driver Events

Craft Vendor Application


2017 Driver DaysTM Fall Festival

For Committee Use Only

Craft /Direct Sales Vendor Application/Contract Space#

Date & Time: Saturday, October 21st 9:00am - 6:00pm                                             Electricity:

Sunday, October 22nd 11:00am - 5:00pm                                                                     Comments:


Location: Driver Village, Suffolk, Virginia

Space 10 X10

Fees: $150.00 per space (All spaces first come, first placed)

$25.00 Electricity

Business Name___________________________________________________

Contact name/Owner______________________________________________

Street Address___________________________________________________


Daily Contact Number______________________ Cell___________________


Type of Merchandise________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________

Reserve ______ Space(s) @ $150.00 Total $_______________

______ Electricity @ $25.00 Total $_______________

Application Total $_______________

The signature below agrees to the Terms and Conditions set forth by the Driver Business Association for the above festival and serves as a legally binding contract.


Make Checks/Money Order Payable and Send To:

                                                                                                Driver Business Association

                                                                                                                       P.O. BOX 5452
 Suffolk, Virginia 23435

Terri Moore (757) 434-5539 between
9:00am ~ 6:00pm

[email protected]

2017 Driver DaysTM Fall Festival

Terms of Contract/Waiver of Liability

Applying for application:

1. Read through the terms/waiver of liability, completely.

2. Remember this is a first come, first served space assignment.

3. Rain or Shine - there are NO REFUNDS!

4. Make note: This is a TWO DAY EVENT…NO EXCEPTIONS!

5. Space sharing or subletting is NOT PERMITTED!

6. Complete application and submit only Signature Application Page

7. Save the terms and waiver copy for reference on festival weekend.

8. Mail completed signature application page with CORRECT FEES.

9. Check or Money Order should be send with application - credit cards accepted.

10. Return check fee is $50.00 regardless of reason.

Acceptance of Application:

1. You will be notified immediately if further information is needed.

2. All fees will be returned if your application is denied.

3. Due to tornado damage and lack of parking space, one per vendor. Sorry.

4. If fees are paid and you do not show for any reason, fees are forfeited.


Driver Business Association reserves the right to determine what merchandise is appropriate to sell at the festival. The following are not allowed: FIREWORKS, GUNPOWDER, SNAP POPS, SILLY STRING, AND SPRAY PAINT FOR HAIR, VULGAR OR SEXUAL MESSAGE MERCHANDISE. Additionally, no firearms, knives or weapons of any kind will be allowed for sale. Decisions are made by the Driver Business Driver Day Committee and all decisions are final.

* We will be purchasing a blanket  Vendor Policy to cover Driver Days but you will still be required to fill out the following City forms:

Crafter or Direct Sales-Vendor Application
Food Vendor- Vendor Application
Vendor Special Tax Application
Vendor Special Tax Information.





Set-Up Instructions: New Guidelines

1. To help with your set-up time, we are opening the area on Friday for early tent set-up. This will be for vendors that are not in the direct parking lots of Driver Businesses. Remember, we do not have security in the evening, but Police do patrol the area. We suggest that you do not bring merchandise to display, but placing your tent and setting up display area will help with time.

2. Please plan your setup with care. If you have a space near the road, we have been told that the Police WILL NOT let you park half on the road and half on the side, while you set up. Please remove your merchandise, move your vehicle, and then return to work your display. We all must be courteous and remember that Driver properties are under duress since the tornado and we all have to work around changes. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

3. Vendors within business parking lots will setup on Friday, Oct. 20th, 5:00pm-8:00pm.

4. Vendors setting up on Saturday, October 21st will be between 6:00am and 8:00 am sharp!

All roads close to vehicles at 8:00am. After that time, you will need a wagon to bring your merchandise to your vendor tent from the parking area. PLAN AHEAD TO KEEP YOUR STRESS LEVEL TO A MINIMUM! Suffolk Police will enforce this as this is THEIR policy….NOT OURS!

5. Place Vendor Parking Pass on the dashboard of your vehicle throughout the event to prevent being towed away. Once parked, LOT IS CLOSED AND THERE WILL BE NO ONE IN OR OUT! Attendants are volunteers following festival guidelines and do not have the authority to make exceptions so please do not ask!

6. All vendors are to be ready to sell at the start of the festival each day
(Sat 9:00am & Sun 11:00am).

7. WEATHER GUIDELINES: If it begins to rain, you have the option of closing down your tent..But YOU DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO TAKE DOWN YOUR TENT OR REMOVE YOUR VEHICLE FROM THE VENDOR PARKING LOT. Have a plan in place for inclement weather and have a tarp to cover your merchandise or put down your side flaps of the tent. You can take your merchandise to your vehicle, but if you attempt to move your vehicle, Suffolk Police have promised and they will ticket you for not complying with this rule!

8. FINAL TRASH PICKUP: 6:00PM evening…after that time you are responsible for all trash to be placed on side of road and it must be in secured trash bags!

9. Medical personnel will be on site during festival hours.

10. Restrooms will be provided on site, including Handicapped units.

11. No bikes, skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, horses, scooters, or power machines are allowed during festival hours.

12. Only Golf Carts with OFFICIAL GOLF CART PASS displayed on windshield are allowed.

13. Driver Business Association reserves the right to make changes and additional conditions as deemed necessary. Notice to the participant may be in written or verbal form and such changes and conditions become part of this contract and will become binding on all the parties involved. Terms of this contract begin from the time of signature until 7:00am on Monday, October 22,2017.

14. Applicant and participants agree to indemnify Driver Business Association against all claims resulting from any connections with the use of private or public grounds or physical structures or real property associated with the Driver Days Fall Festival.

We look forward to a wonderful Driver Days and hope that you come to share in our excitement and celebration in our endeavors to add to the continued growth of our community! YOUR SUPPORT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Driver Business Association 

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